Hotel Coupons
I remember my friends was telling me a small stroy about resturant coupons. Once upon a time one of the desi resturant in Bay Area used to provide coupons to attract more customers. a group of 10 people went to that resturant and ordered lots of food items. When they got the bill, everyody put the hand in their pockets. Hotel boy was wondering who is going to pay. But everybody put some slip on the table and said we all go tthe coupons. Boy got shock and said "Sir, only one coupon for the bill'. But there i no shock to anyone in this group who had lunch. Immediately they devided items for each one, equel to the coupon amount and asked boy to get the multiple bills and they paid nothing.
:-) poor resturant owner, stopped providing the coupons from then on wards
So guys please do not do suchthings
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